19-21 June, 2024 - Universidad de Murcia (Spain)
The topic of the meeting is radical embodiment writ large. We use the term “radical embodiment” to refer to various flavours of embodied cognition, enactivism, ecological psychology, etc. The main idea is to touch upon different dimensions in which these theories are expanding or can expand (e.g., neuroscience, social psychology, language, developmental psychology, artificial intelligence, and so on).
Invited Keynote Speakers
Michael Anderson Ed Baggs Marta Benenti Tony Chemero Anna Ciaunica Luis Favela Melina Gastélum Harry Heft Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi
Call for Contributions
Talk: Send us your 15-min talk. Poster: Or your poster! Question: Send us your pressing question about radical embodiment and let’s think about it together. Idea: Send us an idea (crazy or not!) that you want to share and get some feedback on.
Submit your contribution HERE!
DEADLINE: March 1st, 2024
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organizers: Vicente Raja (vicente.raja@um.es), Guilherme Sanches de Oliveira (gui.cogsci@gmail.com), and Miguel Segundo-Ortin (miguel.segundo@um.es)
DIMENSIONS OF RADICAL EMBODIMENT is supported by the grant PID2021-127294NA-I00 (PI: Vicente Raja) funded by MICIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF/EU.